Monday, April 28, 2008

Video Sharing

Sorry It was a late submission. I got lots of work in school and I was ill for a couple of days. The weather in Jakarta was not so friendly these day. Very hot in the morning till noon and rain at the afternoon until late night. Anyway, I have visited youtube, teachertube and I found the teachertube friendly user and useful for teachers. I used one video on ecosystem from teachertube to teach my student on how the ecosystem works. I uploaded the movie that I took during my robotic class to is also friendly user with some additional tools to link to other network media, for example blog. Well, I consider that this article is not finished yet. I still want to explore more on the topic, since I find it interesting to utilize it in my teaching. I just got the problem with uploading the movie that I took from teachertube into my blog. First I download the movie into my computer before I upload it into my blog. Both downloading and uploading went smoothly, but the next day when I and my students visited my blog and wanted to play it, it did not work. The comment said that the video is currently not available. If anybody might know the reason why, please inform me. Thank you

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sharing Audio

Oh well. I have started doing the assignment since last Monday. I had a problem with my microphone. Finally I managed to record my voice with the help of audacity software. I tried to export the result to MP3 but failed as I need to download the lame_enc.dll for coding the file. I finally export the file in wav format. After I was done with the recording, I tried to upload mine to odeo but it was so complicated that I finally used the switchpod. I found switchpod more freindly user than odeo. I finally uploaded the audio and you can access it by clicking here.
Podcasting is giving more information in Open Education system. Sharing an audio is a step a head of sharing an image only. Before sharing an image was a step a head of only sharing information through writing. Finally, when we could share the video, which is a combination of image and sound, we could share a lot better information to others. Since human have 5 senses in getting information from sorrounding, why don't we use all media inoder to share information to others. I agree with the article of podcast for education in wikipedia.Please click here to link to wikipedia.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Uploading Picture

This is my new Experience in uploading picture to flickr and LeMill. I took this picture when the school assigned me in the School to School Program in November 2007. They are students of one Elementary School in Banda Aceh after the Tsunami disaster. I did some editing on it first in the Photoshop and save it in the tmp file. I signed up for Flickr and it was easy and found no problem at all. Then I visited the to put my work under the Creative Common Licenses.

And then I sign up for Lemill, luckily I have a yahoo mail besides the hotmail so the sign up ran smoothly and easily. I don't know why I think that signing for LeMill is easier than for Wikimedia Commons. I should try again to sign up to the Wikimedia Commons some other time. The process of uploading the picture in LeMill and Flickr is just the same. We need to add the title, description and tag. It was fun. I like it. I will add some more pictures later.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Wikimedia. Excellent!

This article was late because I was not in a good health condition. I went through the Wikimedia projects. Amazing! that is the only word I have after I visited some of the wikimedi projects such wiktionary, wikiquote, wikibooks, wikisource, wikinews etc. I had never visited the other wikimedia projects except wikipedia (the free encyclopedia). So for me it's amazing. I found wiktinary very helpful for determining difficult English words. I found a good reference for teaching and learning ESL in the wikibooks since they have the English book in simple English. In the wiki source I found the translation of Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. In wiki media commons i found quite alot graphics under the creative common licence which can be used for teaching aide. Surprisingly, I could find the page about species in the wikispecies which is translated in one of the native languages in our country "Sundanese".
In the future, I hope wikimedia will cover the other area of information and knowledge. And I start believing that it will definitely happened as all the wiki community has a commitment to freely share all the knowledge to others.
OER is the movement of provide a free online resources for education. I believe the wikimedia is the resource for education as well as a place to share what we have learnt to others. An information, a picture or a piece of knowledge will trigger of another information, pictures or knowledge done by other people. It looks like a snow ball for me. It is getting bigger and bigger because many more people involved in the wikimedia.
Since everyone has an access on editing and uploading information in the wikimedia projects, will the wikimedia be bias. Bias in the sense that the world of information and knowledge will be dominated by several group of people who master the computer technology only. Will the information and knowledge be misleading? Because one day, I had an input from the parents who were concern on the correctness of the information available in the wikimedia, especially the wikipedia, since the parents knew that the wikimedia a collaborative work of many people. It would be interesting if we could share the opinion on this questions. But it doesn't mean the idea of having wikimedia is not correct but this is the only way of making it more useful for the society.